Liquidity (UP Token)



The Koinos Blockchain marks a significant leap in technology, presenting a dynamic, free-to-use network. Designed to facilitate diverse applications, it serves as an ideal platform for decentralized projects and innovations to thrive.

Addressing Liquidity Challenges with $UP Token

In the expanding Koinos ecosystem, efficient liquidity is vital. Liquidity $UP tokens facilitate seamless swaps between paired assets, devoid of network transaction fees, bolstering user experience and transaction fluidity. As the network grows, Liquidity’s reach broadens. The interconnected $UP liquidity pools serve as market makers, shaping $UP’s value through paired tokens’ activity. Market fluctuations consistently create arbitrage opportunities within $UP liquidity pairs, aligning $UP’s price movement with the trends of the Koinos Blockchain.”

Community-Driven and Decentralized Nature

Liquidity $UP stands out for its decentralized essence, operating without a formal team or designated owners. This structure fosters a collaborative space, inviting community involvement and partnerships. We strategically distribute $UP tokens into Koinos Blockchain liquidity. When ready, we will gradually disburse all our Liquidity Providers tokens through staking pools. Giving the LP tokens to the holders puts the entirety of the project in the hands of the community.

Partnership-Focused Strategy

Rather than direct product offerings, Liquidity $UP prioritizes nurturing partnerships. This strategic approach harnesses the strengths of various blockchain players. Our collaborations span to technological, financial, and strategic realms, benefiting the Liquidity token, our partners, and the Koinos Blockchain as a whole. We encourage developers and projects to engage with us for potential partnerships.



  • Maximum token supply: 100,000,000
  • Decimals: 8
  • Transaction Taxes: Zero Buy and Zero Sell tax, along with Zero network transaction fees
Token Distribution:
  • 3% – Presale Allocation
  • 3% – Marketing and Donations
  • 5% – Community Incentives
  • 9% – Partnership Reserve
  • 20% – Staking Rewards
  • 60% – Liquidity Pools

The tokenomics of Liquidity $UP are strategically designed to balance between incentivizing early adopters, supporting community engagement, and ensuring long-term network liquidity and growth. The absence of transaction taxes and network fees underscores the project’s commitment to a user-centric and growth oriented blockchain ecosystem.

  • 3% of Total Token Supply: 3,000,000 $UP Tokens
  • Presale Rate: 1 Koinos = 1000 UP tokens
The presale was pivotal in generating the initial liquidity and gauging market interest.  Successful completion of presale also demonstrated investor confidence in project’s potential.

Marketing and Donations:
  • 3% of Total Token Supply: 3,000,000 $UP Tokens
  • Tokens used for marketing incentives and donations, aiding in broader outreach and community contribution. 
Community Incentives:
  • 5% of Total Token Supply: 5,000,000 $UP Tokens
  • Tokens used for paying it forward to the community: airdrops, contests, staking pool boosts, and other giveaways  
Partnership Reserves:
  • 9% of Total Token Supply: 9,000,000 $UP Tokens
  • Tokens follow unlock schedule, 1 million tokens unlock every month starting January 2024, continuing until all 9 million tokens are unlocked and distributed.
  • Tokens were exchanged for project funding and commitment to fostering partnerships that drive profits into $UP token buys and liquidity additions.
  • Funds received: 10,000 USDT and 3500 Koinos 
Staking Rewards:
  • 20% of Total Token Supply: 20,000,000 $UP Tokens
  • Tokens will gradually be loaded into a staking pool contract for holders to farm.
  • Further details about farms, pools, and rewards will be provided prior to launch.
Liquidity Pools:
  • 60% of Total Token Supply: 60,000,000 $UP Tokens
  • Tokens will be strategically added to the market through various methods focused on increasing liquidity paired with $UP
  • When all tokens for liquidity are circulating, we will open discussion regarding the handling of the LP tokens held by Liquidity 
  • Burn, Farm Rewards, or a combination of both
Active Trading Pairs with $UP – 39 and counting!


 Plotting Our Path: Roadmap and Future Plans

Our roadmap charts the ambitious journey for the Liquidity $UP token within the expansive Koinos Blockchain. It’s a strategic compass steering us toward key milestones and a vision that harmonizes immediate objectives. Our focus remains steadfast on amplifying liquidity pools, securing pivotal listings, and nurturing a vibrant, engaged community. Brand development and strategic partnerships form the bedrock of our forthcoming endeavors.

Strategic Objectives and Milestones for 2024:
  • Strategically introduce dynamic liquidity pools on Koinos, expanding trading avenues and depth.
  • Community Thrust: Surpass 1000 Holders and Followers.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Secure listings on Coin Marketcap and Coin Gecko
  • Elevate Brand Standing: Position Liquidity $UP as a premier token within Koinos ecosystem.
  • Offer innovative Staking options to earn $UP tokens and $UP Liquidity Provider tokens.
  • Unveil and Launch 2+ Partnerships which dedicate a share of revenues to market buys and creating LP tokens.

This roadmap isn’t just a plan; it’s our commitment to the community and investors. Our strategies prioritize transparency, adaptability, and responsiveness to market trends and community feedback, ensuring the success of Liquidity $UP.

Ending Words
Liquidity $UP, a cornerstone of Koinos, revolutionizes liquidity in decentralized networks. Our goal: empower a community-driven ecosystem, enabling seamless, fee-free asset swaps. With a capped token supply and strategic distribution, we’re fueling Koinos liquidity, cultivating profitable arbitrage.
Decentralized by design, we prioritize partnerships for mutual growth. Our roadmap spans expanding pools, engaging more holders, and pioneering partnerships, pivotal for a robust ecosystem.

$UP’s role in bolstering Koinos liquidity is paramount. Join us in shaping a more accessible, efficient blockchain landscape.”

Contact Information
For partnership inquiries, community engagement, or any information regarding the Liquidity $UP project, connect with us via the following channels:
We welcome discussions on potential collaborations, investments, or opportunities aligned with our project goals. Our team is committed to prompt responses and constructive engagement with the blockchain community. Join us in shaping the future of decentralized finance on the Koinos Blockchain.”